MMs: on a Tuesday.... ha ha

Due to technical difficulties I was unable to post yesterday. But that's just like being a mom, eh?

Well I came across Kate Davis the other day.  I know she's no one new to so many people - but I think we'd be best friends.  I love to laugh. I love to look at the bright side of almost any situations.

But my weakest muscle where humor is concerned is when I'm frustrated at my life as a mother.  I could learn so many great lessons from Kate.

This video is an overview/buffet of tips and funny solutions, and gives you a feel for why I think she's great.

And here's a link to her website if you want to check out more about her.

Enjoy fellow mommys.  You ARE incredible.

Let's laugh a lot with our kids this week - even when we feel like they make us want to rip our hair out!!